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What do you think丨联合国中文日和谷雨节气为啥在同一天?

来源:红网    时间:2023-04-21 05:26:07



Today is April 20th, the day of the Grain Rain solar term and the Chinese Language Day observed by the United Nations. How are these two events related? They both commemorate Cangjie, the mythical inventor of Chinese characters. Legend has it that Cangjie created characters by drawing inspiration from various sources: knots used to record events, footprints of animals and birds, patterns on palms, positions of stars, and orientations of mountains and rivers. This marked the beginning of the evolution of Chinese characters, and Cangjie’s creation moved the universe so much that it caused a rain of grain to fall upon the earth. On that day, grain fell like rain during the daytime, hence the name “Grain Rain”.

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